Hymn 354 - "There is a wondrous story,"


There is a wondrous story,

That often has been told,

So full of grace and glory,

So new and yet so old.

And now again we tell it,

So rich, so full, so free;

And hosts unnumbered swell it

Throughout eternity. 


 He who was rich in glory

Came down to earth below

In love, O wondrous story!

To lowest depths did go.

Jesus, the spotless Victim,

Died there upon the tree,

That we might know God's favour,

From judgment ever free. 


How dark that night of sorrow

Through which the Saviour passed!

And deep the stormy waters,

And fierce the tempest blast;

But O the mighty Saviour,

Victorious o'er the grave,

Has ris'n in glorious power,

And lives the lost to save.


The darkness all is ended,

That night for ever past;

To God's right hand ascended,

He'll come again at last,

To call His ransomed people

To yonder glory bright—

Made like to His own image,

To dwell with Him in light.