Letters on Contraception, Abortion and Birth



Hi ____, 

I had an additional impression regarding contraception. 

Proverbs 5 shows, I think, that God is providing for (a) man’s joy in the natural use of his wife – the language is such that it is evident that God regards that a man have pleasure in his wife as a sexual partner.  The use of the phrase “at all times” seems to me to be leaning largely towards the side of pleasure rather than just procreation.  Of course, we have to recognize that the place of the wife in this chapter is set against “the strange woman”; yet, I believe the Holy Spirit takes the opportunity to show that God has provided in the wife a mate for the man (see Genesis 2:18,23). 

I also note the language of the Song of Songs.  The language pertains to spiritual considerations as to the attraction between Christ and His Bride (and, Israel as espoused to him); yet, it shows, I think, that the Holy Spirit recognizes the simple and God-given natural attraction between a man and his wife, etc. 

Balanced against the above is God’s admonition to Adam in Genesis 1 to be fruitful and multiply.  This latter is true and the former above is true, as well. 

I can personally say that I have no hesitations as to contraception. 

In Christ,


Birth as God sets it out in Scripture

Hi ____, 

I quite agree that this is a subject for sensitive, prayerful consideration.  I am sorry that my email to you on this subject caused you pain; however, as you say and I quite agree, any exercise that drives us to Scripture has value.  I see that we cannot place enough emphasis upon the truth being substantiated – the Lord is the “way, the truth and the life”. 

I recognize that the creation of Adam involved the unique circumstances of the Lord actually breathing into him the breath of life.  However, I think we have to give profound consideration to the scriptural reality that “life” is connected with “breath”, and so it is in John 3.  I also find Ezekiel 37:7-10 to be of interest.  The word “wind” in verse 9 in this chaper is ruach which means “spirit” or “wind” which I think links to John 3:8. 

I was thinking of John 16:21 where is says that there is joy that “a man has been born into the world.”  I cannot see – and I’m taking into account all circumstances involving fetal growth, etc. in the womb – that we can consider life as it is intended in God’s mind unless there is birth.  Thus, we understand being “born again” – it is entrance into life (in the fullest possible sense) as God has provided it. 

In David’s language in Psalm 139 as to being conceived and curiously formed in the womb, we have to take due account that his language refers retroactively to something that occurred and subsequently resulted in his birth/life.  In the same way, the Lord spoke of Jeremiah before he was born; however, this language is a reference made after he was born.  We are predestinated by God through Christ into eternal life; however, there is no obvious application until we are born and then, subsequently, experience new birth. 

I think that, in Psalm 51, the reference to sin is all inclusive.  It would, of necessity, involve mother, father and child since the creature is fallen – the nature is sinful.  In Luke 1 I think we need to leave the Scripture just as it is set out by the Holy Spirit.  The babe leaped in the womb – I wouldn’t call this inanimate; yet, it isn’t born, either. 

The issue is not what we say constitutes life; but, how is it viewed in the eyes of God. 

I hope these thoughts are of interest to you – we are praying for you and your wife in your sorrow. 

In Christ, _____




Hi ____,

I quite agree with you that, even in cases of rape, God allowed the circumstance and it would be with great caution that I would advocate abortion.  My thinking that a woman carry to full term would be based largely upon my prior sentence.  However, I do leave the door open – as you have done in respect of medical issues – on a case-by-case basis.

In Christ,

